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  • Buy Androlic Oxymetholone - British Dispensary Steroids for Muscle Growth

Androlic (Oxymetholone) 100 tabs, 50 mg, British Dispensary

Manufacturer:British Dispensary
Active Substance:Oxymetholone
Availability:In stock
  • $220

What is British Dispensary Androlic (Oxymetholone)?

British Dispensary Androlic is a pharmaceutical-grade anabolic steroid containing Oxymetholone, also known by its popular names Anapolon, A-bombs, Adrol and Anadrol. It stands as one of the most potent oral anabolic steroids available today, renowned for its powerful effects on muscle growth and strength. With Androlic, explosive gains begin almost immediately—athletes often report adding up to 10 pounds in just two weeks. However, the gains are not purely lean muscle. Due to estrogen-related fat and water retention, you'll notice a smoothing effect on the muscles. Despite this, many professional athletes in Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Strongman competitions, as well as American football and Hockey, have embraced Androlic for its sheer ability to quickly pack on size and strength.

Why Pro USA Athletes Choose Androlic: Top Benefits of Oxymetholone

Pro athletes choose Androlic (Oxymetholone) for several reasons:

  • Rapid Muscle Gains: Androlic is renowned for delivering fast, significant increases in muscle mass, often within just a few weeks of use.
  • Enhanced Strength: Athletes experience noticeable boosts in strength, enabling them to lift heavier and push through more intense workouts.
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Production: By boosting red blood cell count, Androlic enhances oxygen delivery to muscles, improving endurance and reducing fatigue.
  • Improved Recovery: Faster recovery times between training sessions allow athletes to train more frequently without overtraining or injury.
  • Joint Support: The water retention associated with Androlic helps cushion joints, making it especially useful for heavy lifters and those with joint issues.
  • Ideal for Bulking Cycles: This anabolic steroid is highly effective for athletes looking to bulk up quickly during the off-season or in preparation for competition.

Despite some water retention, Androlic remains a top choice for Bodybuilders, Powerlifters and athletes in strength-based sports due to its explosive results and ability to build muscle mass and strength fast.

How to Use Androlic: Dosages and Stacking

How do bodybuilders use Androlic?

For bodybuilders looking to bulk up quickly, a dosage of 50-150 mg per day is common. Androlic is often used at the start of a cycle to kick-start muscle gains and is usually stacked with Testosterone Enanthate and Equipoise for maximum mass and strength increases. Cycles typically last 4-6 weeks to minimize side effects and maximize results.

Proper Use of Androlic by Powerlifters and Strongmen

Powerlifters and Strongmen may take 100-200 mg per day of Androlic to increase explosive power and athletic performance. When combined with Trenbolone and Testosterone Cypionate, athletes can achieve extreme strength gains and faster recovery. These combinations allow lifters to push heavier weights and enhance endurance during high-intensity events. Cycles usually last 4-6 weeks.

Smart Use of Androlic by American Football and Hockey Forwards

Athletes in high-contact sports like American Football and Hockey often use Androlic to gain mass and strength rapidly. A daily dose of 50-100 mg helps players build bulk while maintaining explosive power on the field or rink. Stacking with Sustanon or Testosterone Propionate or/and Ment (Trestonolone) is common, as it supports both muscle growth and endurance. Typical cycles last 4-6 weeks, which allows for fast strength gains without compromising agility.

Note: Dosages and combinations depend on individual tolerance and should always be used responsibly with appropriate post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Potential Side Effects of Androlic and How to Manage Them

Androlic (Oxymetholone) is known for its powerful effects on muscle growth and strength, but like all anabolic steroids, it has potential side effects if used improperly. Understanding these side effects and how to manage them is crucial for athletes and bodybuilders using Androlic.

1. Water Retention and Bloating

Androlic (Oxymetholone) is notorious for causing water retention, leading to a bloated appearance. This occurs due to its estrogenic effects, which can result in subcutaneous water retention.
Management: To reduce water retention, athletes often use anti-estrogens like Nolvadex or Aromasin. Maintaining a low-sodium diet and staying hydrated can also help minimize bloating.

2. High Blood Pressure

Due to the water retention, users may experience an increase in blood pressure. This is especially risky for individuals prone to hypertension.
Management: Regularly monitoring blood pressure and using supplements like Omega-3s or incorporating cardiovascular exercise can help mitigate this risk. Some athletes also use blood pressure medications if necessary.

3. Liver Toxicity

As a potent oral steroid, Oxymetholone is hepatotoxic, meaning it can put significant strain on the liver. Long-term use or high doses increase the risk of liver damage.
Management: Limiting cycles to 4-6 weeks, avoiding alcohol and using liver support supplements like milk thistle or N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) or TUDCA can help protect the liver.

4. Gynecomastia (Male Breast Tissue Development)

Due to the estrogenic activity of Oxymetholone (Androlic), some users may experience the development of breast tissue, commonly known as gynecomastia.
Management: Anti-estrogens like Nolvadex or selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) can prevent or reduce the risk of gynecomastia. It is also important to monitor estrogen levels during the cycle.

5. Testosterone Suppression

Oxymetholone can suppress natural testosterone production, leading to decreased libido and mood swings post-cycle.
Management: A proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) regimen, including HCG, Clomid, or Nolvadex, can help restore natural testosterone levels and maintain gains after the cycle.

6. Acne and Hair Loss

Increased androgenic activity from Androlic can lead to acne outbreaks, oily skin, and, in some cases, accelerated hair loss, particularly in those predisposed to male pattern baldness.
Management: Proper skincare routines and over-the-counter acne treatments can help manage skin issues. Hair loss may be mitigated with treatments like finasteride, but this should be approached cautiously, as it can interfere with anabolic results.

7. Mood Changes and Aggression

Androlic can sometimes cause mood swings, increased aggression, and irritability, especially at higher doses.
Management: Users should be mindful of their mental health and consider lowering the dose if mood changes become problematic. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management techniques can help.

While Androlic is incredibly effective for rapid muscle and strength gains, it is essential to be aware of the potential side effects and how to manage them. Athletes who use this powerful anabolic steroid responsibly and incorporate proper support supplements and PCT can minimize risks and optimize their results. Always consult a healthcare professional before beginning any steroid cycle.

What You Need to Know When Using Androlic

It’s crucial to know that Androlic (Oxymetholone) is a progestogenically active drug. Because of this, it should not be stacked with other progestogen-active steroids like Nandrolone or Trenbolone. If you decide to combine multiple progestogenically active substances, always use cabergoline and increase your testosterone dosage to avoid negative side effects, such as low mood and loss of libido.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Androlic

What is Androlic (Oxymetholone)?

Androlic, also known as Oxymetholone or Anadrol, is a powerful anabolic steroid widely used by athletes and bodybuilders to promote rapid muscle growth and increase strength.

How Should I Take Androlic?

The typical dosage ranges from 50 mg to 150 mg per day, depending on experience level and goals. Androlic is usually taken for 4-6 week cycles to minimize side effects while achieving significant gains.

What Results Can I expect From Androlic?

Users can expect substantial gains in muscle mass, often gaining 10-15 pounds in just a few weeks. Strength and endurance also improve rapidly, making it popular in bulking cycles.

Can I Stack Androlic With Other Steroids?

Yes, Androlic is often stacked with Testosterone, Boldenone or Primobolan for maximum muscle growth. However, it should not be combined with other progestogenically active compounds like Nandrolone or Trenbolone.

What Are The Common Side Effects of Androlic?

Potential side effects include water retention, increased blood pressure, liver toxicity, and testosterone suppression. Managing these with proper support supplements and post-cycle therapy (PCT) is crucial.

Can Females Use Androlic?

Due to its strong androgenic effects, Androlic is generally not recommended for females. The risk of developing virilization symptoms, such as deepening of the voice and unwanted hair growth is high. Women seeking muscle-building steroids are typically advised to consider milder alternatives like Anavar or Primobolan.

Can Beginners Use Androlic?

While Androlic is highly effective, it is not usually recommended for beginners due to its potency and potential side effects. Beginners may benefit from starting with milder steroids like Anavar or Testosterone to gradually introduce their bodies to anabolic compounds.

Where to Buy Legit Androlic Online in the USA

When looking to buy legit Androlic (Oxymetholone) online in the USA, it’s important to choose a trusted source to ensure you're getting genuine, high-quality products. At AlanDomestic, we pride ourselves on offering premium Androlic from top manufacturers like British Dispensary. Our products are thoroughly tested for quality and effectiveness, helping you achieve rapid muscle growth and strength gains. With AlanDomestic, you can expect fast and discreet USA shipping, competitive pricing and reliable customer service. Don’t risk your health or results with low-quality alternatives - shop with us today for guaranteed results and peace of mind. Boost your performance with Androlic, and reach your goals faster!

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